Comprehensive treatment of tail gas | integration of dust removal and denitration

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Green Valley has independently developed denitration products suitable for power plants, glass kilns, cement kilns and other industrial kilns, as well as pyrolysis furnace incineration and other field

At present, the methods of denitration in power plants mainly include selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and non selective catalytic reduction (SNCR)
These two flue gas denitration technologies have their own advantages and disadvantages.
SNCR technology is an in furnace injection process without catalyst. Its principle is to inject ammonia, urea and other reducing agents in the furnace to convert nitrogen oxides in flue gas into nitrogen (N2) and water (H2O). At present, the latest SNCR technology has an effective reaction temperature range of 850 ℃ ~1250 ℃ with NOx. SNCR denitration efficiency can be between 25-40% for large coal-fired units and 80% for small units.
SCR technology is to arrange the SCR reactor between the economizer and the air preheater of the boiler of the thermal power unit. The flue gas enters the SCR reactor vertically, and N0 is reduced to harmless N2 and H20 through each layer of catalyst module. The above reaction temperature can be between 300 "C-400 ° C, and the denitration efficiency is greater than 90%. It has quite mature operation performance in large boilers and air volume equipment.
Green Valley has independently developed denitration products suitable for power plants, glass kilns, cement kilns and other industrial kilns, as well as pyrolysis furnace incineration and other fields. According to the choice of customers, integrated products of dust removal and denitration can also be recommended.